The .500 Barnes X
I talked with the guy from Barnes the other day and he said the 275 gr. X bullet was to long to be loaded for use in the DE. He said there would be feeding problems. I was just wondering if anyone...
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If you are loading for a freedom arms 555 or BFR, then OAL is not an issue. But in the DE, the bullet must maintain .500 dia. all the way up except the last 1/4" or so. Would be like trying to load a...
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Alright Let me put an end to this question with a scan from the BARNES RELOADING MANUAL #3Which list the BARNES 275gr .50 Cal for the 50AE, my guess is that it might be ok as it one of the 3 handgun...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
Thank you, Dr64!!! I have that same manual, (I have almost everybodys) and I really like it. I never even thought to look in there. I have always just stuck with my tried and true reincarnations of...
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Damn that's fast, but the OAL is too long to work in the DE."A strong body makes a strong mind. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it...
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The guy from Barnes told me it was for revolvers (like freedom arms) chambered in 50 AE - but some of you have had them work - I went to my local gun shop to pick some up today and they were out, but...
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I have to say don't waste your money, they don't work in the DE. I swear, I have been reloading for many years, they won't work. They are almost .2" too long."A strong body makes a strong mind. As to...
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ob........unless you've got a 50AE in a revolver or the S&W 500, you're not gonna be happy. I'll stick to my original post about the matter. I'd go back and read EVERYONES post before deciding....
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Ok. Here's a pic. If you push the 275 far enough down into the case to fit the magazine, you will have a gap between the case mouth and the ogive. Besides, why would you want to give up 1/4" of case...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
Also, I would have to venture to say that the top load listed there is too hot. Putting that bullet out at 1800 FPS develops 1979 FPE. I just about gaurantee that is over SAAMI max pressure, not to...
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I wouldn't be too concerned with giving up cartridge space, or the "normal" working pressure, since those can be regulated with the proper powder and charge weight. But this is not a "normal" bullet....
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
ohio, I have a dumb thought....I have many, I know, but what if (and please note this is a what if and i'm not gonna do it before I get slammed for a thought again ) I'm no expert reloader but say if...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X can do. It would create even more problems. The case has to head space on the mouth. OK....I tried to answer this earlier at work but they won't leave me alone when I'm in the...
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thanks Ohio, very imformative, I learned a lot from my simple question. Thanks!!"Fantasy abandoned by reason produces monsters."-Goya
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
i am sorry i dont have the barnes book, but i have read it and somewhere in the .50ae section it does note that the .275gr is not for use in the Desert Eagle, or autos.. but i think it stated desert...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
I have looked into this load myself and I called barnes and the answer was it could be used for first round only as the finished load is longer than the recommended OAL. That is why the data lists the...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
I know this is an old post , but I just came across this site - maybe last month . Anyway , I was searching for bullets and found the barnes 275 , then I saw it would not work in D E . I called , busy...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
You have mentioned the 275 Barnes a few times. Unless you can get it moving like you could in a 440 Cor bon not sure how well it would work, be a good one for that loading I have a couple of 440...
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
My mistake, you are talking in 50 cal with this bullet??? Am on cell so could not change above post
View ArticleRe: The .500 Barnes X
225 in 429- 44 mag would be one to try imho send that down range screaming in a 440 corbon... PS. My favorite
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